Tuesday, April 08, 2014

New Jersey; a contender in America's Race to the Bottom

Last week New Jersey' leading newspaper conglomerate who's cornerstone print publication is the Star Ledger and online NJ.com announced massive layoffs in the wake of continuing decline in revenue and circulation.

The Question is WHY?
The Garden State
where yesterday's
Flower Children
became today's
Bloomin' Idiots

Is it the changes in technology that plagues the Star Ledger group?

Or is it that the people of New Jersey are finally turning their backs on the liberal propaganda that the Star Ledger is known to spread?

As a student of our nation economy I regularly read newspapers from coast to coast, the Sacramento Bee, the Oregonian, the Star Ledger, Santa Barbara Independent and the San Jose Mercury News.  I'm often shocked simply reviewing the headlines, often asking myself is this for real? I have to confirm the date the story lines are so void of substance. So many media sources skip the important stuff. Astounding at times how deceitful and  biased these large regional news sources can be.

Frankly I think it is good to see the demise of the liars. The economic landscape has been squandered and undermined by liberal media deceit. The lose of these  jobs are nothing compared to the ruinous economic events precipitated by decades of liberal lies.

The tripe and irrelevant drivel that makes it to their lead story lines is a testament to the the Star Ledgers failure and a contributor to a vast ignorance across large segments of NJ society.

Many people in New Jersey are detached from reality, vacant on the critical issues our nation faces. I wager few New Jersey residents are aware that their state is ranked as the most financially unstable in the country. Few know the state debt hit a record $40.4 Billion after rising 4.1 percent in 2013. Add to that their unfunded employee retirement liabilities which are estimated to be the highest of all the states on a per-capita basis. (This includes both the pension and "other" contracted retirement benefits.)


Add to all that the fact that New Jersey is experiencing the highest outward migration of any state and, well it is not a pretty picture.

New Jersey's Poster Child; Jon Corzine
First he almost destroyed Goldman Sachs,
 then he added ruin onto New Jersey.
The third times the charm,
He led MF Global into bankruptcy
at a stunning pace and a billion
dollars disappeared at the same time.
I believe he is still facing charges on that.
The debts and excessive expenses that have grown to unmanageable levels will be born on the shoulders of a declining population. It could be even worse, in the last census period New Jersey lost a congressional seat. It is too early to know if that will happen again, but it may.

Once the spawning grounds of visionaries now left to the rot of a parasitic culture that feeds on corruption, thuggery and taxes. Bankrupt in morals and bankrupt financially.   A bifurcated society where the government and its corporatist cronies suck on the souls of those that chose to stay behind.

The ties that bind,
a generation so blind 
Yesterday's Flower Children turned into today's Bloomin' Idiots

A soul-less society that will feel the scorn of it's children.  It is far better to let New Jersey fail, let the death dealt by liberalism cleans the economy and the culture.


The "too big to fail" argument must end, PERIOD.  It should not be an acceptable concept,  it is not reflective of a balanced and healthy free market, in fact the existence of the premiss is evidence that there are improper inducements in the markets in the first place.

New Jersey can fail, Chicago can fail, LA can fail. California - maybe it is too big to fail and there are serious efforts to break it up. In fact Tim Draper the famous venture capitalist is working on qualifying a 6-state breakup concept to be on the 2016 ballot in California.  That will be interesting.

Good intentions with predictable bad results are bad choices, period. Criminal? Perhaps.

If New Jersey or any other state or company or bank is on the road to failure it must be left to fail. To do otherwise in light of all we know now should be considered a criminal act.

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